This site contains fan fiction from

Hercules, The Legendary Journeys


Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

and is rated from

G to NC-17

DISCLAIMER: The Hercules and Star Wars universes and all their wonderful characters are owned by their creators. No copyright infringement is intended. This is only fan fiction. No money is being made.

NEW! After each story description is a link for a text-only, printer friendly version! No backgrounds! Look for: TEXT

Now, on to the stories!


The Ghidra's Revenge-H:tLJ-When Iolaus is poisoned by a ghidra, Hercules will do whatever it takes to save his life. TEXT

Without Consent-H:tLJ-Mostly dialog, it's about, ummm, well, you'll see . . . TEXT

A To Z, Z To A-H:tLJ-Each paragraph begins with a consecutive letter of the alphabet. TEXT

Pain Is The Sacrifice-H:tLJ-Hercules and Iolaus are both injured in a fight with a griffon, and Iolaus must sacrifice his own health to save his best friend's life. TEXT

Second Chances-PM-What if Qui-Gon hadn't taken Obi-Wan as his padawan, but another Master had? And what if, later, they got a second chance? TEXT

Untitled-PM-Untitled because a title would spoil it --- so would a summary. TEXT

Hands On Therapy-PM-Just what the title says. TEXT

It'll All Work Out In The End  -PM-A little snippet from right after Qui-Gon accepted Obi-Wan as his apprentice. TEXT

Whenever You Need Me -PM-Qui-Gon takes care of Obi-Wan after the boy falls into a prickly situation. TEXT

When Dreams Speak So Loudly -PM- When fifteen-year-old Obi-Wan begins being plagued by a recurring bad dream, he and his Master use it to try to alter a forbidding future. TEXT

To Be A Better Master -PM-A few months after Obi-Wan becomes Qui-Gon's Padawan, he gets into a fight with an old enemy. TEXT

Obi-Wan's Journal    * APRIL 2003 *   -PM-Some short stories and snippets inspired by the journal entries of Obi-Wan Kenobi, age 13 and 14. Some humor, some drama. TEXT

Star Wars: Attack of the Bugs -PM-Oh, dear! How do I explain this one? An attempt to involve as many mailing list friends as possible? NOTE: This story is followed by an Epologue written by Celticfire.TEXT

A Little Game of Cat and Mouse -PM- Fifteen-year-old Obi-Wan and a younger Padawan are kidnapped for a sinister purpose -- to become the prey in a deadly game.TEXT

Breathe -PM-Um, computer troubles. Humor. TEXT

"Alone" by Kalujinn   -PM-A birthday present to me from Kalujinn! Touching and sad.TEXT

Index to the R and NC-17 stories . . .
This is for adults only!

  Check out My Art Page!
It's full of photomanipulations from Phantom Menace
and Hercules. Hope you enjoy them!

  Check out my Finish-the-story Challenge Page!
It's where YOU get to tell the rest of the story! TEXT

To my LINKS section. TEXT

 Jedi Jewelry! Check out my new "Serenity" pendants!
A must for every Jedi fan!

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Ah, come on. Pretty please? You know you want to!
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